May 13, 2024 - Watch your insecurities carefully today. You may notice a point where things could go one way or another: make it your job to choose the best possible outcome and put your energies into that positive framework. So much of what we complain about was actually of our choosing in the first place. If you are feeling insecure because you have not received your fair share of compliments, don't wait until it's too late! Give your partner, boss, or friends the clearest possible messages about what you need.

Heal your heart! Don't miss this chance to eliminate doubts with a 3 minute FREE reading.

Heal your heart! Don't miss this chance to eliminate doubts with a 3 minute FREE reading.

More Horoscopes for Capricorn

Capricorn Compatibility and Traits

Capricorn Sign Compatibility

Capricorn Star Dates and Traits


Perhaps the most disciplined members of the zodiac, Capricorns are known for their endurance and determination.

Career-motivated and focused on status, these earth signs are highly driven to reach their professional goals and take their responsibilities very seriously. They're typically resistant to change and will often stick with their personal routines for many years.Learn More

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